Perfumer & Flavorist+ Online
Perfumer & Flavorist+ is the leading technical and business content provider for the flavor and fragrance (F&F) industry. The brand’s web portal, PerfumerFlavorist.com, provides creation, application, raw material, research, regulatory and trend information for flavorists, perfumers and allied professionals.
P&F+ ’s latest addition to its online features include instant access to over 40 years of archived magazine content from industry experts. Available with your digital and/or print subscription, All-Access P&F+ Online allows for readers to search for articles by topic, keywords, author and/or article title to share with colleagues and for researching or referencing projects.
Along with archived content, PerfumerFlavorist.com also features the latest industry, personnel, trends, event coverage and videos. Breaking news and industry-related stories are delivered daily to readers’ inboxes via the free P&FNow e-newsletter.
Finally, readers can join industry conversation through Perfumer & Flavorist+’s various social media platforms. Our LinkedIn group comprises thousands of F&F professionals from around the world who can share information, engage in discussions and submit queries. Our growing Facebook and Twitter feeds deliver daily doses of industry information and unique, shareable content curated from around the web.

Perfumer & Flavorist+ Magazine
Serving the flavor & fragrance industry for more than a century, the P&F+ brand is the premiere information resource for perfumers, flavorists and other industry professionals. Covering flavor and fragrance chemistry, techniques, materials and industry news, P&F+ delivers high-quality content in its monthly print and digital magazine, weekly e-newsletter and on its website.

P&F+‘s Flavorcon was launched in 2013 to address the flavor industry’s need for an educational and networking event providing practical, solutions-oriented information for the flavor development process. The event brings flavorists, applications staff, food scientists, product developers, management, marketers, sales, manufacturers, purchasers and consumer products professionals together to address and develop solutions for the business and technical issues shaping the marketplace.

World Perfumery Congress
Occurring every two years, the World Perfumery Congress provides a forum for the global fragrance industry to unite to discuss current challenges and future opportunities. Featuring a mix of educational and networking formats, the WPC provides the latest insights for suppliers, manufacturers and consumer product marketers. Allured Business Media teamed up with the American Society of Perfumers in 2012 to produce this prestigious event and continues to see strong growth every two years.